Don't bother me with the truth....

Don't bother me with the truth....

Thank you for contacting me regarding the cap-and-trade proposal in President Obama’s proposed fiscal year 2010 budget. It was good to hear from you.
The President’s budget set a goal of reducing our nation’s greenhouse gas emissions by 14 percent by the year 2020. To reach this goal, the President has suggested a cap-and-trade system to help develop an economy-wide emissions reduction program.
As you may know, a cap-and-trade system would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Under the system, each carbon dioxide-emitting company would be allocated a certain level of emission “allowances.” For any further emissions, the company would need to purchase more allowances through an auction process. The President’s proposal is estimated to raise $150 billion over 10 years. This money would be returned to communities and businesses to further aid in the transition to a clean energy economy.
Most scientists now agree that climate change is a real phenomenon and that greenhouse emissions have contributed to climate change. The Pacific Northwest stands to lose much from climate change, from increasingly severe storms, to rising sea levels, to impacts to our agricultural sector, to negative impacts on human health. I believe by increasing research, using market-oriented strategies, and relying on new technologies, American ingenuity can find ways to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions without harming the economy.
Rest assured, should legislation regarding cap-and-trade emissions policies come before the Senate during the 111th Congress I will certainly keep your thoughts in mind. If you would like to know more about my work in the Senate, please sign up for my weekly update at Once again, thank you for contacting me and please stay in touch.

I hope all is well in Vancouver.


My Rebuttal

I appreciate your timely reply on this most important matter but I am dismayed to learn that you are “toeing the party line” on this issue as you stated “Most scientists now agree”. That statement is patently false and has been proven to be so by thousands of “other” mainstream scientists that the Obama Administration chooses to ignore and discredit. It is clear what the intention is of the Obama Administration as I stated in my original letter. Either the House and Senate will impose this law or the EPA will. As I stated earlier, if this comes to pass, we will be the cleanest and greenest 3rd world country on the planet. I will be posting you reply including this rebuttal on my website for my readers to digest. Again, I urge you to not vote in favor of ANY draconian carbon taxing scheme plus I urge you to do all you can to dissuade the EPA from taking any such action also.

PS.  CONGRESSMAN BRIAN BAIRD’S REPLY WAS HIS USUAL “CANNED” REPLY.  I love how this guy shows us respect……

  1. #1 by Catpax on 06/08/2009 - 8:02 pm

    Patty Murray is a fool, but a fool who will no doubt increase her personal net worth as a result of foisting the lie of CO2 causing anything on the tax payers! Google Don Easterbrook. He is a Prof. Emeritus in Geology and has numerous factoids on his web site regarding “global warming.” He suggests that if one follows the money, that the result of finding out who will benefit financially (including any prostituting research scientist) that that will explain why CO2 is being used as the unproven scapegoat for global warming! The pre 1945 level of atmospheric CO2 was .030 and the post 1945 level was .038 and from 1500 A.D. to 2000 A.D. we have been in a “Little Ice Age.” In fact right after 1945 through the 1970’s our temps dropped some. So much for blaming CO2!

    • #2 by conservativeamericanvet on 06/08/2009 - 8:44 pm

      Right On!! We need to keep hammering our Reps with this info. It puts them on notice that we know it is all a fraud in the name of gathering taxes and making money for the “select” few.

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