Archive for December 16th, 2009



As the Senate is now working towards voting on the Bill currently before the body, I am once again compelled to inform you that the majority of your constituents oppose this legislation.  As you are obligated to represent us back here in Washington State, I am urging you in the most strenuous terms to NOT support this plan in any way shape or form.  All of the polls indicate that the vast majority of Americans are opposed to this legislation, yet you and the rest of the Democrats are ignoring us and insist on going forward with this scheme, in spite of common sense and the united opposing voice of the American citizens and YOUR Constituents.  As an adult with a great deal of common sense who has been following your career, I am dumfounded at your conduct and the apparent “in your face” disregard for our wishes. I can only surmise that you are aware that you are jeopardizing your political career simply because you are showing no regard what so ever for your constituents wishes.  I have heard all the reasons given by your Party as to why this legislation is so good and important.  None of it makes any sense and all outward appearances seem to indicate that you and your fellow Democrats are in complete lockstep, marching down a path that will take you and your party over the political precipice to oblivion and ruin.  Even though this is what is going to happen, you still continue down this road against all rhyme or reason.  The Republicans have offered to be part of this discussion with some very good, common sense measures and legislative fixes that addresses the root problems within the health care system. But you, and your fellow Democrats have seen fit to ignore and dismiss their suggestions in what appears to be completely uncalled for and unreasonable/rational partisan politics, ramming this down our throats, in spite of our wishes.   Because of this, it is obvious to us, that you value the Presidents and Speaker Pelosi’s and Senator Reid’s agenda more than you value the well-being and wishes of your fellow Washingtonians.  Simply put, your complete disregard for your Constituents wishes is what is going to be the catalysts for your defeat at the polls, come your election cycle, plain and simple.  In every letter I have sent you on this subject, you have done nothing but reply with a form letter, toeing your Party’s position on this issue.  So I speak from experience in dealing with you as my Senator.  It is you and you alone who have shaped my opinion and views of you, not the media.  We Constituents put you in office to represent us and us alone and to Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States.  When are you going to start doing your job as your oath of office requires?  We will remember your actions come next election.  And by the way do not insult my intelligence by sending me another form letter.  Either you reply to this letter and my concerns as stated here, or do not reply at all.  I require truth and integrity from you or we will put someone in your seat that will serve us, and not the DC political machine.

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